
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

Genre: Young Adult Contemporary
Pages: 320
Expected Publication: September 1st, 2015

*I received an e-book provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Everything, Everything is about an 18 year old girl named Madeline who suffers from a disease called “SCID”. To put it simply, she’s allergic to everything and she never leaves her house. Because of this, she hasn’t had a normal upbringing whatsoever. With the help from her mom and nurse Maria, she gets the care she needs and tries to stay positive for the most part.

I really thought I was going to give this one five stars, but that is not the case my friends! I started reading this at 2:00am yesterday and was immediately pulled in. The chapters were nice and short, there were super cute illustrations, a very likable main character (who loves to read!), and a very interesting plot line. I think I read 50% of this book within two hours and I truly did not want to put it down.

When Madeline spies her cute neighbor next door they begin to email and IM, I thought this was really cute and loved that Nicola Yoon let us see their messages, etc. It made the book a lot more interactive and personal. What set me off was the insta-love. I cannot stand insta-love..I just can’t. Call me cold hearted but it honestly makes me sick. I tried to look past this and for the most part I understood why Maddie fell so hard but it still was something that continued to bother me for the rest of the novel. Another issue I had was with the plot twist. I guessed it at about 50% of the way, probably because I’ve read a similar story..either way I just felt like it ruined the whole originality that the book started off with. I don’t know, I know I’m in the minority with this one but I really was let down.

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