
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Another Day by David Levithan

Genre: Young Adult Contemporary
Pages: 300
Expected Publication: July 30th, 2015

*I received an e-book provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Another Day is not a sequel to Everyday, I wouldn’t even call it a companion. In David Levithan’s words, it is Everyday’s “twin”. In Everyday we meet our main character “A”, someone whose life changes dramatically every time they wake up. A’s life is never constant, it moves from person to person, never standing still. One day A inhabits the body of a boy named Jason, he spends that day with Jason’s girlfriend Rhiannon and finds himself falling for her. The book follows A as they try to maintain a relationship with Rhiannon that lasts longer than just one day. 

Another Day is essentially the same story but in Rhiannon’s POV. We learn a lot of additional information about her life and the struggles she faces when trying to maintain a relationship with someone who is constantly changing. She especially has a hard time trying to picture A as anything else except for the boy she has pictured in her mind. When A wakes up in a girls body or a body thats overweight, Rhiannon has trouble seeing A’s personality rather than just their appearance. I think David Levithan approached these topics in a really great way and when I put myself in Rihannon’s shoes I too had a hard time trying to figure out what I would do. 

My only problem with this book is that at times I found it very repetitive. I would remember certain lines exactly as they were in the first book, and they would be repeated in this one. I understand that that was necessary, as this is the “twin” of Everyday, but it sometimes bothered me. Another thing is that we never really learn what was wrong with Rhiannon’s mom. She is described in a way that makes it seem as though something happened to her, or something is off but it never goes into detail. Finally, the last page is what bothered me most. It gave us closure and then immediately took it away, almost hinting at a 3rd book…?

Overall I enjoyed this a lot, but not as much as Everyday. I think this is mainly because I knew the basic storyline already, and there weren’t any surprises. I definitely will be buying a physical copy of this when it comes out though, because I think it will be nice to re-visit this story!

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