
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Top Ten Authors I've Read The Most Books From

I'm late for Top 10 Tuesday once again, what a surprise! Tuesday's topic was to pick the top 10 authors I've read the most books from. I excluded most children books because theres just TOO MANY, and I can can't remember half of them!

1. Coming in at number one is Mr. Lemony Snicket with a total of 13 books! A Series of Unfortunate Events was one of my favorite book series growing up and it is so special to me. I'm slowly re-reading them in anticipation for the Netflix series! I have yet to read any of the companions to ASOUE such as The Beatrice Letters and The Unauthorized Autobiography but I hope to do so soon!

2. Harry Potter is obviously on this list because lets face it, I've read this 7 book series way too many times to count. J.K. Rowling is my favorite author of all time and I love this series so so much and nothing can top it in my opinion! I hope to read more of J.K. Rowling soon, and plan on picking up her books under the name of Robert Galbraith.

3. Number three on this list is David Levithan with a total of 6 books. Along with the books pictured, I have also read Dash & Lily's Book of Dares which he co-wrote with Rachel Cohn. As well as the novella for Everyday, titled Six Days Earlier, and the sequel Another Day.

4. John Green! I discovered John Green about two years ago and the first book I ever read by him was Looking For Alaska. Back then I hadn't been reading much but I remember loving Green's writing and style. I'd have to say TFIOS is my favorite of the bunch and Paper Towns (which is not pictured), is my least favorite.

5. Stephen King with a total of 4 books. I know, your thinking... only 4? But talk about him all the time and your always hauling his books!? Yes. I am. But surprisingly I've only read a small few. This is mostly due to the fact that his books are lonnnnng, and pretty intimidating. I've slowly but surely been making my way through them this year. My favorite so far is The Shining, which is not pictured.

6. Rainbow Rowell with a total of 3 books. I quickly fell in love with Rowell's writing when I read Eleanor & Park it quickly became one of my favorite books of all time! I've now read everything she's published except for Landline which I plan on reading very, very soon!

7. Verionica Roth with 3 books, all a part of the Divergent trilogy. I read this series a while ago and really enjoyed it but I found that Insurgent was veryyyyy drawn out, I actually liked the ending of Allegiant (unpopular opinion?). I still have the Four collection of novellas that I've been putting off but will probably get to at one point or another. 

8. Gillian Flynn with a total of two books. I somehow misplaced my copy of Sharp Objects :( but so far I have read that one and Gone Girl. WHICH I LOVE. I gave both of those books 5 stars. Flynn is quickly becoming a favorite and I'm hoping to read Dark Places this month. 

9. Ransom Riggs! One of my new favorite authors. The Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children series has quickly become one of my favorites and I usually cannot keep up with series so this is rare! I have read 3 of his books..technically 2? One of them was just the Graphic Novel version of the first book but hey..I think it counts.

10. And last but not least we have Morgan Matson! When I read Since You've Been Gone last summer I immediately knew that Matson would end up being one of my favorite authors. I don't tend to reach for contemporaries because a lot of the times I find they all feel the same. With Matson it feels different, her characters are unique and there is NO insta-love. She creates pretty shy main characters which is something that I can relate to, and it's a nice change from the characters I normally read about. I will be reading Second Chance Summer soon and everything else that she has ever written/writes!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Top 10 Characters Who Are Fellow Book Nerds

Today I am doing my first Top Ten Tuesday! How exciting. T10T was created by The Broke and the Bookish and Tuesdays topic (yes I'm late) was to talk about 10 characters who are also book nerds.

1. First up we have A.J. Fickery from The Storied Life of A.J. Fickery. He works and lives in a bookshop and is constantly surrounded by good reading material. The book in general focuses on literature and there are quotes from books spread throughout the whole novel.

2. Guy Montag from Fahrenheit 451. One of my all time favorite books, Fahrenheit 451 is set in a dystopian world where books are illegal. Guy Montag is a firefighter whose job is to burn these books and make sure no one is hiding them, but could there be books hidden in his own house?

3. Klaus Baudelaire from A Series of Unfortunate Events. Klaus is described as being a major book worm, he is CONSTANTLY READING. This comes in hand quite a few times when trying to escape from Count Olaf..

4. Charlie from The Perks of Being A Wallflower. If theres one thing you need to know about me its that this is one of my favorite books of all time (and one of my favorite movies!). During his first year of high school, Charlie's teacher lends him a bunch of his favorite books, many that end up impacting Charlie's life in various ways. Novels like To Kill A Mockingbird and The Catcher In The Rye, to name a few.

5. Tyrion Lannister from A Game of Thrones. Now I'm fairly new to the GoT series, I'm currently finishing up book one. I do remember a certain scene in which Jon asks Tyrion why he reads so much and Tyrion says that since he can't rely on his body, he must rely on his mind.

6. Hazel Grace from TFIOS. Hazel spends most of her time analyzing a book called An Imperial Infliction. This book comes in to play more than once, as Augustus reads it too and it also leads them to their infamous Amsterdam trip.

7. Marie Laure from All The Light We Cannot See. Marie, a blind girl living in Paris with her father, has not let her lack of sight stop her from reading. Her father tries his best to get braille versions of the books she likes and she spends hours re-reading them.

8. Cath from Fangirl. Not one of my favorite books by Rainbow Rowell but Cath is most definitely a book nerd. She spent most of her childhood creating fan-fiction with her sister and fantasizing about Simon and Snow.

 9. Madeline from Everything, Everything. Maddie is unable to leave her house so she spends almost ALL of her time reading. Her books come in sealed packages in order to make sure they aren't infected and they are described as always being in tip top condition! The two books Maddie spends most of her time talking and thinking about are Flowers For Algernon and The Little Prince. 

10. And last but not least, Eleanor from Eleanor & Park. Eleanor discovers her love for comics from Park. She then begins to read them everyday on her bus ride to and from cute!

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

Genre: Young Adult Contemporary
Pages: 320
Expected Publication: September 1st, 2015

*I received an e-book provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Everything, Everything is about an 18 year old girl named Madeline who suffers from a disease called “SCID”. To put it simply, she’s allergic to everything and she never leaves her house. Because of this, she hasn’t had a normal upbringing whatsoever. With the help from her mom and nurse Maria, she gets the care she needs and tries to stay positive for the most part.

I really thought I was going to give this one five stars, but that is not the case my friends! I started reading this at 2:00am yesterday and was immediately pulled in. The chapters were nice and short, there were super cute illustrations, a very likable main character (who loves to read!), and a very interesting plot line. I think I read 50% of this book within two hours and I truly did not want to put it down.

When Madeline spies her cute neighbor next door they begin to email and IM, I thought this was really cute and loved that Nicola Yoon let us see their messages, etc. It made the book a lot more interactive and personal. What set me off was the insta-love. I cannot stand insta-love..I just can’t. Call me cold hearted but it honestly makes me sick. I tried to look past this and for the most part I understood why Maddie fell so hard but it still was something that continued to bother me for the rest of the novel. Another issue I had was with the plot twist. I guessed it at about 50% of the way, probably because I’ve read a similar story..either way I just felt like it ruined the whole originality that the book started off with. I don’t know, I know I’m in the minority with this one but I really was let down.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Another Day by David Levithan

Genre: Young Adult Contemporary
Pages: 300
Expected Publication: July 30th, 2015

*I received an e-book provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Another Day is not a sequel to Everyday, I wouldn’t even call it a companion. In David Levithan’s words, it is Everyday’s “twin”. In Everyday we meet our main character “A”, someone whose life changes dramatically every time they wake up. A’s life is never constant, it moves from person to person, never standing still. One day A inhabits the body of a boy named Jason, he spends that day with Jason’s girlfriend Rhiannon and finds himself falling for her. The book follows A as they try to maintain a relationship with Rhiannon that lasts longer than just one day. 

Another Day is essentially the same story but in Rhiannon’s POV. We learn a lot of additional information about her life and the struggles she faces when trying to maintain a relationship with someone who is constantly changing. She especially has a hard time trying to picture A as anything else except for the boy she has pictured in her mind. When A wakes up in a girls body or a body thats overweight, Rhiannon has trouble seeing A’s personality rather than just their appearance. I think David Levithan approached these topics in a really great way and when I put myself in Rihannon’s shoes I too had a hard time trying to figure out what I would do. 

My only problem with this book is that at times I found it very repetitive. I would remember certain lines exactly as they were in the first book, and they would be repeated in this one. I understand that that was necessary, as this is the “twin” of Everyday, but it sometimes bothered me. Another thing is that we never really learn what was wrong with Rhiannon’s mom. She is described in a way that makes it seem as though something happened to her, or something is off but it never goes into detail. Finally, the last page is what bothered me most. It gave us closure and then immediately took it away, almost hinting at a 3rd book…?

Overall I enjoyed this a lot, but not as much as Everyday. I think this is mainly because I knew the basic storyline already, and there weren’t any surprises. I definitely will be buying a physical copy of this when it comes out though, because I think it will be nice to re-visit this story!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Boyhood - Richard Linklater

Thinking about this movie makes me feel a lot of different things. For one, I loved it. A lot of people talk about how nothing really happens in this film or they ask what was the point? And I truly believe there doesn't need to be a point to it. It simply is what it is and its powerful just like that. This movie was started in 2002, at the time I was 6 years old, just like the boy in the film (Ellar Coltrane). We follow the next 12 years with this boy and his family, as they go through good times as well as bad. This film felt as though my own life was flashing right before my eyes and I don't mean to sound dramatic but it made me realize how much time has passed since I was 6 years old, something I never really think about. The reason it felt like this was because of the pop-culture/contemporary references that were made each year and the soundtracks they decided to use. Throughout the film there is never any reference to what year it might be but it was easy for me to tell because of the music they would play that was popular during the time as well as the references to films/books etc. I think when you see someone grow up on screen its a lot more powerful than if they just cast different characters for each age, I really felt connected to the boy and it reminded me of the connection I felt as I watched Harry Potter and his friends grow up on screen. At first I couldn't tell weather or not I was enjoying the film but by the end I was filled with this overwhelming feeling that never tends to happen with me when watching a movie. This film is so real and true to the human experience and to me described perfectly what it feels like to grow up. If you were born around 1990-1995 I think your going to be able to appreciate this a lot more than most, and even if you weren't born then I think you will still be able to see this film for what it is and what it says about life.

PS: There are quite a few Harry Potter references that definitely made me bawl my eyes out.

Stand By Me - Rob Reiner

“Kids lose everything unless there’s someone there to look out for them. And if your parents are too fucked up to do it, then maybe I should”

A new favorite of mine, r.i.p. River Phoenix. 

American Beauty - Sam Mendes

One of my favorites, beautiful themes, cinematography, and Kevin Spacey is hot.

"It's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life..."